Up ahead, you'll get closed in to an area for another fight, and will learn about Dante's Devil Trigger.
Just take down the green, flying Empusa first - they'll heal. Press 'LT to change long-range weapons and RT to change close-range weapons. The following will work as a sort of tutorial on how to use Dante, so pay attention to the text prompts. So buy what you'd like if you're lacking in Gold Orbs, for example, but otherwise, start the mission. You can't customize Dante just yet - you can only purchase items. When you're able to pick up the controller and play, it's 1 month in the past - when Dante first entered Qliphoth with Lady and Trish. A few cutscenes play, showing some of Dante's past. Follow along to find Blue Orb Fragments, boss tips, and more. Dante finally awakens after a month in a coma in Mission 10 of Devil May Cry 5.